Leadership Happens In Moments, Not Meetings
People choosing to lead and see themselves as leaders makes for a more leaderful enterprise or community.
Holding A Bigger Space
Holding more space around us as we each bump through the world is one of the daily practices a leader can employ. It's about expanding your awareness versus letting it contract.
The Evolution Of Education
There was a time when teachers would teach the way they had learnt, with little regard to the needs of the student. The world changed when Howard Gardner and others came along and turned education on its head by promoting an agile teacher model.
The Surprising Benefits Of Virtual Training
Have you been in 'Zoom-land' for the last few months? My family recently caught me 'zoom waving' in real life (a ‘zoom wave’ is that exaggerated, screen-consatrained, muted hand wave we all do to say ‘hello, good to see you’ in an online meeting). If I never hear the words ‘your microphone is muted’ or ‘new normal’ ever again I'll be very happy.
Running with the Ball
When you lead others there will be some team members who need little guidance and others who need a great deal of your help to be the best version of themselves at work. This Talking Point examines how to manage team members who drop the ball and those who run with it.