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Ignite your audience

Unleash the power of an unforgettable keynote!

Transform your next conference or event into a mind-blowing experience with the unparalleled expertise of Matt Church!

Why choose Matt Church for your next event?

Award Winning Speaker

Join the ranks of those who've witnessed the magic – Matt is an Australian Speaker Hall of Fame inductee and ranked among the top ten motivational speakers in the world.

Rise Up

This keynote is based on Matt’s latest book RISE UP - An evolution in leadership. 

In every domain of life or work, you know whether you are operating above the line or not. Across multiple disciplines, schools of thought, ideologies and methodologies the idea of running above or below the line is easily understood and well documented. It takes enormous courage to decide to operate above the line when you can, where you can, and as often as you can. Courage is the tipping point on the line; you won’t always get things right, but if you operate from your heart you will be OK, no matter what occurs.

A leader brings out the best in those around them. This often means they need to attend to the best within them. This session challenges leaders to be more effective and tap into their full potential as a means for activating the potential in others. One part inspirational, it will shift the conversation in your leaders about being a leader: One part practical, it will demonstrate practical applications and moments of truth for leadership in action.


Based on Matt’s book, Next – Thoughts about tomorrow you can talk about today. 

In this rapidly changing world, the only certainty is that what works today will not work tomorrow. Old business models won’t work, old leadership styles won’t be tolerated and slow moving industries and businesses will become extinct. The successful players will be the ones with the greatest agility, creativity and foresight.

A session with Matt focused on disruption will help put in place a culture of willingness and a practical framework for being agile, creative and building foresight. If you want to discover how the four business revolutions (R1–R4), and the four personal evolutions (E1–E4) will affect your industry, this is where the journey begins. This is how you future proof your career and business in the decade of disruption.


As the founder of Thought Leaders Global and the author of Amplifiers, Matt has long been driven to understand the most important elements of influential leadership. He believes that leadership is in essence about bringing out greatness in others and this principle is at the centre of his keynote on amplifiers. 

Organisations that succeed have leaders and teams that are inspired by what they do and what their work stands for. Matt unpacks the process by which transformational leaders can amplify their impact – amplify their productivity, amplify their creativity and amplify their results. 

Having committed decades to research and development in this field, Matt has the skills and strategies to unlock and amplify transformational leadership in your organisation. 

Your amplified leaders will become masters of maximising human potential and developing other great leaders among their colleagues.

Thought Leaders

Matt’s presentation on thought leadership is the ideal catalyst for change. If you want to harness the intelligence within your organisation, this keynote will help the best and brightest shine even brighter. It will help to identify and release potential and also activate greater activity and innovation.

A thought leader is a leading authority in their field of expertise. They have access to a wealth of specialised knowledge which makes them uniquely valuable. They have collected information from varied and comprehensive sources and – most importantly – have packaged it so it can be effectively taught to others.

Whether they know it or not, organisations are driven by the opportunities created and discovered by the thought leaders within, and it’s important to realise that these abilities can be nurtured and developed.

Chemistry Of Success

Having commenced his career studying the science of high performance, Matt Church presents a practical and entertaining keynote on how to create a healthy balanced life. This presentation is based on his successful book Highlife 24/7 and explores the chemistry of success.

Every feeling in the human body is the result of a chemical – the internal physical drivers of peak performance. Learn about balancing these chemicals and you can better manage your moods and master the key to lifting your performance and productivity.

Where human excellence is concerned, Matt has years of experience. From demanding the most of himself to consulting with some of the biggest multinational organisations, Matt has developed his own intellectual property around what makes high performance people tick.

Chemistry Of Success is the perfect presentation for a general audience or if you have a tricky time slot that you’d like to fill with a light-hearted, entertaining presentation that holds lots of value for all that attend.